
Physiotherapy is a health care field that treats and prevents disorders in human movement caused by injury and disease. It helps the individuals who have problems affecting the musculo-skeletal system to find an improved level of function. Our physiotherapists use various techniques to treat you such as manual therapy, sport therapy and progress by exercises, the McKenzie approach, electrotherapy, an evaluation followed by a Cybex/Biodex isokinetic session, hydrotherapy (whirlpool bath), Muscle Activation Technique, etc. Our patients can expect to improve their balance, stamina, strength and coordination, which will help them to remain active in their daily life.
Etta Mariani, P.T.
Nicole Balazic, PT
Cynthia Siino, P.T.
Nadia Moussouni, P.T.
Nancy Fonzo, P.T.
Johanny Robles Carvajal
Myriam Salameh
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Perineal Re-education

Perineal re-education is one of the numerous fields of practice in physiotherapy. When faced with a dysfunction of the uro-genital system, it aims at improving pelvic floor strength, bladder control, diminishing chronic pain, etc. The muscles of the pelvic floor have various functions such as supporting the abdominal organs, controlling urinary and anal sphincters and enhancing sexual pleasure. The majority of these muscles are skeletal; this means that you have the capability of controlling them voluntarily and that they can be trained, just like the muscles of the arms and legs. It is also possible to regain control over your bladder by changing some habits and initiating a specific training program.
Cynthia Siino, P.T.
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Concussion rehab

Our health professionals offer you a personalized service to facilitate: -the evaluation of your concussion -the management of concussion symptoms -the management of return to play, school or work (protocol approved by sports medicine physicians)
Etta Mariani, P.T.
Nancy Fonzo, P.T.
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Insults to the nervous system (brain, spinal cord, nerves) can have long lasting effects on the optimal functioning of an individual, and impact quality of life and productivity. Physiotherapy interventions targeted at improving functions such as walking are critical in terms of time since the occurrence of the insult. Physiotherapy in neurological conditions has come a long way from the therapist’s guided movements to the use of modern technology. Technological advances, such as games and the NeuroTracker, provide opportunities for repeated practice in a standard environment while controlling the levels of difficulty, thereby facilitating motor learning and improving performance. The therapist’s guided use of technology as an adjunct to standard rehabilitation is the way to go.
Cynthia Siino, P.T.
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Pediatric Physiotherapy

Pediatric physiotherapy assists in early detection of health problems and uses a wide variety of modalities to treat disorders in the pediatric population. The therapists are specialized in the diagnosis, treatment, and management of infants, children, and adolescents with a variety of congenital, developmental, neuromuscular, skeletal, or acquired disorders/diseases. Treatments focus on improving gross and fine motor skills, balance and coordination, strength and endurance as well as cognitive and sensory processing/integration. Children with developmental delays, cerebral palsy, spina bifida, or torticollis may be treated by pediatric physiotherapists.
Nancy Fonzo, P.T.
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Massage Therapy

More than a moment of relaxation, massage therapy helps decrease physical discomfort caused by stress, daily activities, chronic pain and muscle overuse. Also, massage therapy helps maintain the suppleness and the flexibility of the fascias and muscles. Within this discipline, there are numerous technics that the therapist may use: Swedish, sports massage, deep tissue, lymphatic drainage, masso-kinésithérapie, pre- and post-natal, etc. Each have many positive effects on the body's structure and posture, the circulatory system, the nervous system, the lymphatic system, the muscular system, etc. Everyone can enjoy and take advantage of a massage!
Alisa Tamburrino
Mario Falciglia
Barbara Cocca
Sofia Iuliano
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Osteopathy is a manual therapy discipline. Its main goal is to help restore the human body's natural equilibrium and harmony. Osteopathy is a discipline based on the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body. The client is treated with a global approach; therefore, rather than simply treating the symptom, the body is treated as a whole entity. Clients of all ages can benefit from osteopathy. The osteopath, with the use of different techniques, will treat the body on many different levels such as articular, visceral, cranial and fascial. This approach differentiates itself from others because it is aimed at discovering the cause of the problem rather than focusing on the symptoms. The key is to keep the different structures of the human body mobile. A loss in mobility causes functional, as well as circulatory and/or nervous system limitations. This loss in mobility can cause repercussions locally and possibly distally by forcing the body to compensate in other areas in order to maintain its equilibrium.
Erica Cavallo, D.O.
Jeremy Anderson
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Compared with traditional medicine, acupuncture considers the body as a whole system. This means that not only the symptoms of the disease will be studied but all the rest of the body. Acupuncture uses needles in its treatment but today, laser replaces partially or entirely the needles. The laser is totally painless, leaves no mark and has no side effect. Acupuncture is a very secure alternative medicine. It causes no side effect and does not present danger. It can also be practiced together with another medicine.
Kimberley Ann Gillett
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Occupational Therapy

Occupational Therapy
Julia Catalfamo, erg.
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A kinesiologist is a health professional specialised in physical activity. He or she uses movement as a preventive treatment and to improve performance. The kinesiologist is able to assess your physical condition and provide optimal training for your condition.
Tara Santavicca, Kin
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Athletic Therapy

Athletic therapy is a domain which specializes in prevention and care of muscle, bone and joint problems resulting from sport injuries. The therapists offer different services such as prevention, immediate care and rehabilitation of sports injuries on a continuous basis, physical fitness, stretching exercises for muscular strength and personal training sessions. Maintaining strong joints and flexible muscles is a necessity. We will help you to obtain your highest level of physical shape.
Alisa Tamburrino
Sofia Iuliano
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