
Physiotherapy is a health care field that treats and prevents disorders in human movement caused by injury and disease. It helps the individuals who have problems affecting the musculo-skeletal system to find a functional level. Our physiotherapists use various techniques to treat you such as manual therapy, sport therapy and progress by exercises, the McKenzie approach, electrotherapy, an evaluation followed by a Cybex/Biodex isokinetic session, hydrotherapy (whirlpool bath), Muscle Activation Technique, etc. Our patients can expect to improve their balance, stamina, force and coordination, which will help them to remain active in their daily life.
Cristian Abondano Espinosa
Charles-Antoine Gagné
Philippe-Olivier Gagné
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A kinesiologist is a health professional specialised in physical activity. He or she uses movement as a preventive treatment and to improve performance. The kinesiologist is able to assess your physical condition and provide optimal training for your condition.
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More than a period of relaxation, the massage therapy helps diminish physical problems caused by stress, back pain, loss of energy, insomnia, etc.
Teresa Pertuz Pardo
Cindy Vallée
Melanie Di Carlo
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Dieteticians encourage and support healthy feeding habits as part of a complete training program, a performance or simply for your well-being. Their role consists of making a nutritional evaluation to establish a medico-nutritional diagnostic and finally implement a nutritional care plan adapted to the needs of the patient. Good eating habits are primordial to our daily performance!
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Its main goal is to help restore the human body's natural equilibrium and harmony. Osteopathy is a discipline based on the anatomy, physiology and biomechanics of the human body. The patient is treated with a global approach, so rather than simply treating the symptom the body is treated as a whole entity. Patients of all ages can benefit from osteopathy. The osteopath, with the use of different techniques, will treat the body on many different levels such as articular, visceral, cranial and fascial. This approach differentiates itself from others because it is aimed at discovering the cause of the problem rather than simply focusing on the symptoms. The key is to keep the different structures of the human body mobile. A loss in mobility causes functional as well as circulatory and/or nervous limitations. This loss in mobility can cause repercussions locally and possibly distally by forcing the body to compensate in other areas in order to maintain its equilibrium. The osteopath's job, therefore, is to make sure that the different elements of the body remain mobile in order to allow the body to function properly and remain healthy. In hopes of offering optimal care to our patients, osteopathy has become one of the essential services offered at Action Sport Physio.
Johanne Duchesne
Cindy Vallée
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Physiothérapie - Commotion

Physiothérapie - Commotion
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Physiothérapie - Course

Physiothérapie - Course
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Physiothérapie - Mâchoire

Physiothérapie - Mâchoire
Cristian Abondano Espinosa
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Physiothérapie - Vestibulaire

Physiothérapie - Vestibulaire
Cristian Abondano Espinosa
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